Tutorial: Creating an Email List in Aweber


So let’s, go ahead and get started. Alright, everyone, let’s, go ahead and get started and create the the first email list that you’ll, create here now, as I mentioned in the introduction, I am using Aweber and I use Aweber because I prefer it it’s what I really started with and if you go out there and you look, there are a lot of email marketing platforms that exist, but I prefer Aweber and most people are going to start with.

Usually Aweber or MailChimp are probably two of the most popular ones to start with, they both offer free trials and everything like that for the first 30 days. But the difference is a weber actually lets.

You begin by being able to use an autoresponder and an autoresponder is really the key to email marketing in general. In my opinion, it’s very, very, very powerful MailChimp. Their free plan does not allow that, but after 30 days you can.

You know I like to purchase a plan, so I use Aweber. It is 19 hours a month, totally free trial to start out and that’s. The one that I’ve been using. Never let me down so I recommend a weber, but with that being said, let me go ahead and show you within a web or how we can actually do this now.

The process of doing this is going to be similar in a lot of the platforms, but the interface is gonna be a little bit different. So I wanted to do this walkthrough to help you out – and this is my recommended platform, but that doesn ‘

T necessarily mean that you have to use it okay, so we’re gonna go ahead and get started here. The first thing we want to do now: this is the home page, and you see some subscriber stats here that uh.

You know you may not see on your platform, but let’s, go ahead and start here and we want to go into manage lists. So we’re gonna click on manage lists, and after we’ve clicked on manage lists, we want to actually create a list so that’s, going to be us creating our first list.

So let’s; click on create a list all right, and now that we’re here. It wants us to set up our information. So I have a lot of this information already set up, and I’m just gonna keep this in here. You would obviously put your own website URL, and you have to have an address within your emails.

This is really important, so the can-spam act basically made it so that legally you have to have a physical address associated with your business. You can use your house address, you can also use a p.

o box. You have to use something so whatever that may be, you know figure out putting in address for those that think. Well, my privacy and I’m nervous and you know I don’t want people to see my my address because they will be able to see this okay.

It’s, a good idea to go to get a peel box or something like that or use a different address that you, don’t actually live at, but that information there and then the sender names. So, who is when, when people receive an email from you, what is it going to say it’s sent from so for me, it’s run and then the pipe when our professor comm and then the sender email Ron at one.

Our professor comm okay, so that’s. What I put in there, we’ll, go to the next step. Now this is the list name now for this. I’m just going to put demo list. You would want to name this. This is something that is just for your own organization on the backend okay, so I’m gonna put demo list, and then this is the demo list.

Description and people will actually see this description when they’re subscribing to your list, so you want to make this so it’s. Actually, you know sounds good to the person that’s, considering signing up for the next step, and now you have to choose a subject line for your confirmation email.

So you ‘ Ve probably done this before, where you go in, and you know you said yeah, I’ll sign up for the list and then you get a confirmation, email or otherwise known as a double opt-in, so that’s.

What this is for so the subject line, we can kind of say whatever we want here or choose the ones that are already created, which are all pretty good. I usually just go with. You know. First name confirm your subscription that’s.

What I do you can request approval for a custom subject line, but I’ve, never done it. I don’t. Think it’s really worth the time. So I usually leave it and then you can. He you can. Edit, this top part, which is nice, so you can actually edit the top part and and change that if you want to – and you can also edit the bottom part here – I’m fine with what this says and truthfully, I probably wouldn’t change too much about it.

I would maybe change the top part a little bit if you wanted to, but bottom parts. Fine. So let’s, go to approve message and create list, and that’s. It. Your list is now created, so when you create a list there’s, two different things you really want to do from the beginning.

The first thing is, you want to go into messages, go to legacy, follow-up mess or legacy follow-up series, sorry or follow-up series – and here you’d – want to do a drag-and-drop email builder, and what you want to do here why? This is really important.

Is you want to create a welcome message? You know, welcome people to the list tell them what they can expect to get and explain to them. You know what is going to be coming in the future for them that’s.

What you want to do with this, and also in the subject line you know, welcome you know, first name to our email list or whatever it may be, just send them a welcome email, and then you save it. The reason why you want to do this in the beginning, you guys is because that is going to be something that when somebody goes onto your website and they sign up for your list immediately right after they get done or yeah right after they get done, subscribing They are going to get that email from you and in that email you can say welcome.

You can also include links back to your website so that they can get the opt-in. You know ebook whatever it is. You can actually include a link in the email itself to give them the the ebook or whatever it is that your you have created as an opt-in.

So you can do that and it basically starts you off on the right foot and sets expectations. So that’s, the first thing. The second thing that you need to do – or you can do you don’t necessarily need to.

But if we go into here into list options and list settings, so you see here that there’s, some some list settings that we can change. I just want to make you aware of this, so this isn’t all that pop or important here you can pretty much leave it, as is you can personalize your list if you want to your email signature, you know and change that up.

If you’d, like social media and sharing so tweet your broadcasts or pull broadcasts on Facebook, if you want to send your emails out that way, it’s, a nice thing. Some people do that some people do not right.

Here is the global text snippets, which is really important at the bottom of your emails. You can actually have a global text snippet, which you know if it’s, a particular product or a demo, or something that you’re.

You’re, telling people hey, you know you should try this out. You can actually put a global snippet and it’ll, go into every single email, which is nice. It’s, a nice little feature there and then. Lastly, is the confirmed opt-in? Okay, so this is really important.

So if you are doing a confirmed opt-in, this is where you can edit the email, the subject line, and then here you can actually say I do want to require the opt-in or maybe I don’t now I do you know I mentioned this Here I do want to say that you should probably do a double opt-in, definitely to start, and you can kind of test to see if you need to change that, but definitely start with that, and you can send it confirmed opt-in, email for web forms.

You want to make this so that is on. If you don’t want a confirm, opt-in, you just click this and it ‘ Ll. Tell you hey, you know you’re about to turn off, confirmed opt-in. You say yes, and now you no longer are going to be sending a confirmed opt-in.

So what will happen? Is someone will go to your website? They’ll, see a box that says: hey give us your. You know first name and email and you can sign up and then they click you know they put in their information they submit and they ‘

Ll automatically be subscribed to your list right then, and there, which is good, but also bad, because they haven’t confirmed that email, so it could be a junk email, so you got ta be careful with that.

The other thing with this is that if you have confirmed opt-in right, then you can send them to a confirmation, success, page URL. So this would be the page on your website after they have clicked, so they go to the email address or they go to their email address.

They click on the email that you sent them and then they click on the confirmation link, basically verifying. Yes, this is a real email from there. This would be the URL on your website that you would want them to go back to so this could be an email that or a URL that basically says hey.

You know thank you for signing up, really appreciate everything here’s, a link to the e-book that sort of thing, so that’s. What we do with that, and then this is past subscriber info for personalizing, the page, as it says now recommended for WordPress users.

I don’t use this because I aim exclusively using WordPress and then you save your settings and that’s it so that is, you know the basics of setting up an email list. It’s. Really that simple. We’re gonna be under ten minutes here.



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