How To Build A Squeeze Page In 10 Minutes

Squeeze Page

So timestamp table of contents in the description along with an affiliate link to mailer light to set up a free account, if you do decide to go with a paid plan we do receive a small commission as a part of supporting this channel.

So as we dive in here, if you want to just skip ahead you don’t– you already know what a squeeze page is and you don’t need any headline copywriting formulas, you can jump to this time stamp to get started building your page with mailer light.

Here we’re just going to kick things off with the framework. Now, what you’re about to learn here is a proven method for creating high converting landing pages and squeeze pages. So just as an example or proof, so you know that what you’re about to learn will actually be helpful, you can see here we have some landing pages that are converting around 23% and some all the way up to 48.

6. Although there are only 700 subscribers so far. So I think once it’s at 15 or 2,000, we’ll see that come down closer to the 30% range. But I just wanted to show you these as you can get these high conversion rates without using fancy software and without having to create really fancy web pages.

So let’s go ahead and jump into what the heck a squeeze page actually is. Now, squeeze page is simply just a page on your website with no external links, where someone can only enter their contact information.

That’s the only call-to-action you have on that page. So they either enter their contact information or they leave. Now, the difference between the squeeze page and a landing page is a landing page is just a longer form version of a squeeze page with a lot more information.

So you have bullet points you might have testimonials and media seals and all that other fun stuff, I’ll link up in the description to a video that goes through how to put together a landing page, but you should do that after you create a squeeze page.

So how do we know what should be on our squeeze page and what’s a successful framework to follow. So I’m going to go through the three elements and then three examples of great squeeze pages. So first all you need for a squeeze page, you’re going to have a headline, you’re going to have some sort of graphical representation of your lead magnet or what you’re offering.

If you’re not quite sure what a lead magnet is or what offer should be, we’ll get to that in a moment and then of course a call to action. So this is going to be a button someone clicks to either purchase something or they’re going to enter their contact information.

Now, speaking of contact information is very important to note that the more stuff you ask for the less likely someone is to complete the form. So I highly, highly recommend only asking for name and email the absolute max.

So we typically just ask for emails and that’s part of why our conversion rates tend to be higher, but if you need the name for some reason, you can go ahead and ask for that all this other information you can always ask for it later in the sales process.

So the first great squeeze page we have comes from a very talented marketer Eric Sue, and here he simply has a headline a picture of himself in a simple form for someone to enter their name and email in order to receive the free training.

And as simple as this page may look, that’s as complicated as a squeeze page needs to be. So here’s another example from and you can see he doesn’t use a picture of himself here, he just has a quick little graphic representing what’s being offered, which is some training and printouts of the Amazon shareholder letters, which is kind of funny considering that those are technically free.

He just makes it really easy to get them, because you don’t have to go searching through SEC reports or filings and all that fun stuff. So the final one we have here is one from our own company and this was for a webinar.

So hopefully you can see that with all three of these examples, it’s extremely simple we have a headline, some sort of graphic and then a clear call-to-action where someone can enter their name and email.

So if you’re getting some value out of this video, make sure you go ahead and hit that like button you can always comment below if you have any questions. I still read or reply to every single one.

So the second step in our process before we get to step number three, which is actually building your page, we need to talk about what the heck to put in your headline, right? This is the most important part of your squeeze page.

And there are two simple questions to ask. You first you want to think about “okay, in my ideal customers or prospects life, what are they ultimately trying to achieve?” Like “what results are they after? What benefits do they want to enjoy as a result of entering their name and email?” And then we also want to think about “what do they think is getting in the way?”, “so what are they struggling with?” Now, if you have no idea what offer as a lead magnet, you can offer something like a PDF guide or report.

It could be a full-blown webinar or it could just be an auto recording or diagram. So if you’re not quite sure what to offer in order to get that name and email or just the email, make sure you check out the link in the cards in the description to a video that goes through seven different types of high converting lead magnets you can offer on your squeeze page.

And if you don’t already have a webinar or sales video set up, I highly recommend it just going the PDF route, doing a report a guide or a cheat sheet this particular example, this is a landing page that’s currently converting at 36.

07% and the offer is simply a Google Doc that walks someone through how to create a sales funnel from scratch. So you definitely don’t have to spend months upon months creating this 90 minute webinar.

It can be as simple as a google doc or PDF. What’s most important is it’s actually valuable to ever you’re trying to get contact information from. So in this example let’s say we have a YouTube guide or a YouTube growth webinar.

Well, someone who would be interested in this particular offer probably wants to spend more time on their YouTube channel probably quit their nine-to-five, those are kind of the big things they’re after, right? And then what do they think is getting in the way? Well, they probably think they need to grow their channel faster, maybe their videos aren’t ranking, they need better video quality.

Okay, great. Now with this information we can actually create a bunch of different headlines. Obviously, you’re going to want to spend anywhere from 20 up to 90 minutes or 2 hours to really think about what your ideal customer or prospect really wants to achieve and what’s in their way.

I will link up in the cards in the description to a video that takes a much deeper dive on this slide, because there are a lot of headline formulas you can use, but how to without where even if and then talking about a roadblock is the best and fastest way to get up and running with your squeeze pages.

So as you can see here, you can always pause time stamp table of contents there are a lot of different ways you can use these three simple headline formulas to quickly create headlines for your squeeze page.

In this particular example, I’m just going to go with the basic how to grow your channel without getting of view. So we’re talking about something that someone wants and we’re talking about something that they thought was in the way of getting the result that they want, but we’re showing that “hey, by entering your email on this page, we’re going to help remove that roadblock, so you can get one step closer to that ultimate goal, which is growing their channel faster”.

And then the sub headline get instant access to the complete YouTube growth blueprint, so you can make 2020 your breakout year. You can pretty much use this in any niche or industry. You can just change complete YouTube growth blueprint to whatever your offer is and then make 2020 or 2021 or 2025 the breakout year.

I really like that sub headline. It’s a little lazy yes, but it helps with your conversion. So now let’s go ahead jump into mailer light and actually build this squeeze page from scratch. Again, there’s an affiliate link in the description to set up a free account, you can do everything we’re about to do with mailer Lite with the free account.

So the first thing you want to do, once you’re inside your mailer Lite account, is in the top navigation navigate to sites, make sure you’re on landing pages because we don’t want to build a website and then click on create new landing page.

We’ll go ahead and give our landing page a name, I’m just gonna say this is M159 YouTube growth blueprint and save and continue. And then it’s going to ask you what email list you want to add someone to.

Now, I’m not going to go too much into the email marketing side of things when it comes to mailer light, I’ll link up in the cards and the description to a full-blown email automation video, that walks through exactly how to set up the backend of all of your email marketing.

Here I’m just going to create a new group specifically for the people who’ve opted it in and I’ll just name it the same thing I named my landing page. I’ll go ahead and create it now something that’s a little silly is you do have to scroll down and then select it so just because you made it doesn’t mean mailer light’s automatically going to select it for you.

And then this next step we’re going to choose our template. Now mailer light does have some really nice-looking templates and that’s great, but you want conversions. So you’re going to ignore pretty much all of them and just select the first one the book template, I’ll go ahead and select it and we’re actually just gonna start with a clean slate, because when it comes to a squeeze page, there’s an whole lot you actually need to put on your squeeze page.

So this will take a while to load, but once it does, we’ll come up to here to actions and we will remove content blocks. Yes, we want to remove everything. Well, click yes, remove and we’ll start with a blank slate.

Now, if you remember our template here we just need a headline, we’ll add a sub headline, because we’re going above and beyond and then a form for someone to enter their contact information and of course a image to represent what they’re receiving.

So all we need here is first we’re going to pick the headline element, then we’re going to go ahead and scroll down to the different types of forms, so we want a signup form and a image. So we’ll go ahead and drop that right underneath our headline.

And if we wanted to have a sub headline, then we’d come back up here and use the plain text. So I’ll go ahead and use the plain text for that. And that is all we need for our squeeze page here. So the very first thing we’ll do is come up here and change our headline, so our headline is how to grow your channel without getting lots of views.

So we’ll click on our headline formula here and or headline element, and drop in our formula. So once we have that, we can go ahead and click on save we’ll go through the formatting and a little bit here then we’ll add our sub headline, so this is going to be our text– whoops! We don’t need to worry about HTML here.

We’ll go ahead and click on save again I’ll get to the formatting in a little bit, because obviously you don’t want everything over to the one side and then we’ll go ahead and set up our form here.

And we actually don’t want any text other than the sign up here. I’ll change this to access now, and then we’ll come up here to change our image. So if you want to create your own image there’s a great free tool called “Canva”, and you’ll be able to create cool-looking product images that’s how I’ve created most of the ones you’re seeing here or you can go ahead and use an image that you or– some sort of graphic that you’ve picked up.

So I’m going to go ahead and just use this graphic and drop it in there. And then come over to our form settings and for this particular instance, I’m going to add a field and want the name. So I’ll put the name up top here so the name and email and then we have all of our elements.

Now, obviously we don’t want to stop here right? There are some things we want to do with the formatting, so I’ll go through that now. So we’ll go ahead and click on our headline, we can come in here to settings and we can change the font style.

So if we wanted a different style, let’s say I wanted to go with this style for some reason, we can also change the text size very easily. You can also make sure that the text is centered. Now, what you don’t want to do is try and force the text to be on multiple lines.

So what you can do is you can click on medium narrow or wide. Typically, I just leave it at wide and then this way the page will actually be responsive, because if we came in here and we started you know putting in spaces manually, that’s not gonna work out too well.

So make sure that you don’t try and manually put in spaces, even if it doesn’t look the best, that’s okay. So we could put it at medium, but I’m just gonna go ahead and leave it at wide for now and I’ll leave the spacing along.

And then of course, the other cool thing you can do is change the color. So let’s say we wanted to make the headline red, since we’re talking about YouTube, but we want to make sure that it is still easy to read but not too in-your-face.

I think this this red color is okay. Now, obviously you can go OCD as you want. I’m just gonna go quickly, because you don’t need to watch me spend 20 minutes trying to get everything perfect.

So here again, we want to make sure that we align and center and then we’ll make this text a whole lot bigger than it is, so it’s easy to– much easier to read. And then we’ll come over here settings, we’ll make it medium, so it looks a little better and then we’re going to remove the top spacing, so there’s not much– so much space in between the two elements.

And we’re going to remove the bottom spacing here as well. And then we’ll come back down here. The only other thing I think I would change on this page is the button text, because the button is very, very small.

You can also change the how big or small the form is, so you can see you can make it like this or we can change swap it left and right. Actually I think this works out pretty well. So if you want to make the actual form itself bigger, you’re just going to make the font in side of the form elements bigger.

So we’ll click on the call-to-action button and we can go ahead and bring up the font size and you’ll see the buttons getting bigger, so access now. We can also change the hover color. I like putting the hover color on green or blue as opposed to red, because red normally means stop.

So you don’t want someone to mouse over and then subconsciously be like “stop, don’t do it!”, right? So we’re going from red to green access now. And then we can go ahead and change the input size to bring up our form size a little bit.

So we see like that and now it’s much easier to read. We’ll go ahead and click on save and then we can go ahead and preview. And that’s not too bad for spending less than 10 minutes. Now, obviously there’s a lot of other things you could do with mailer light and there’s a lot of other things you could do with this page.

However, done is better than perfect. So I’m gonna go ahead and exit this out I’m going to click on save & publish here. If you do decide to upgrade your free account with mailer light, you will actually be able to add your own domain.

So that’s something we’ve done, you can of course change the URL. I do recommend you always change the favicon. So you’ll notice here and then in the top left that the mailer light icon is showing up.

We don’t want that showing up when someone hits our landing page. This is just a very simple, but subtle way we can add some professionalism to what we’re doing with our squeeze page. I even said landing page.

We’re doing with our squeeze page so. I’ll just go ahead and select our logo here, mailer light does give you the dimensions and again you can use something like Canva for free and then of course you’d want to add all of your analytics, Facebook pixel, tracking code, Google tag manager, all that fun stuff.

We have other tutorials on how to do that side of marketing. So make sure you hit that subscribe button for more videos on that. So with this, we’re gonna go ahead and click on save & continue and publish it.

And then we’ll be able to copy our URL here and I’ll just go to the actual final page, so we can see what it looks like live. So right now, this page is live. And as simple as this page looks, we saw as you saw at the very beginning of this tutorial simple pages like this is all it takes to get to between 20% and 40% conversion rates, because it really, really comes down to the type of traffic you’re driving and of course the offer that you’re making.

So make sure you hit that like and subscribe button for more deep dive tutorials to make sure that you’re making the right kinds of offers and you’re driving the right kind of traffic. So if you got some value out of this video, make sure you do check out that timestamp table of contents and click those other helpful links in the description as well as signing up for mailer light.

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