Article by Garrett Laidler
In this article I will discuss how to make money online with blogging. As you know there are literally millions of websites out there, if you want your site to survive and thrive you must promote it properly. There are multiple ways to promote a web site online. One of the best ways to promote your site is to take advantage of all the social media available online.
Vlogs, blogs, forums, and podcasts are the perfect tools for an internet marketer to promote a web site. With all this in mind, blogging is an extremely important tool that you can use to promote your site. A successful blog can bring in some serious traffic and in many cases, serious money. If you have a desire to make money with blogging you need to follow the right steps. These steps will help get you on the right track.
– Find a unique topic for your blog. The topic you choose will determine the amount of participation of the people in your blog.
– Be sure to post new entries to your blog regularly. Without fresh content your traffic will dwindle quickly.
– Your entries also need to contain solid content. Leave out the fluff.
– You can use your blog to promote other web sites. This will actually get you paid.
– The last thing you need to do is promote your blog. If nobody knows that it exists how can they be expected to visit your site. The easiest way to promote your blog is through pinging it and through bookmarking each new post.
Now, pinging is just a fancy word that really just has search engines, like Google, know that you have written new content for them to check out. It makes it much quicker and easier to get ranked on Google, depending on your keywords in your blog entry. Secondly, bookmarking is an excellent tool to use as well. Bookmarking a blog post can take quite a bit of your time, and can be tedious but the end result is CRAZY FANTASTIC! Bookmarking is basically a way to put your URL or individual blog post web address on several different websites for people to click on and read the article if they like the content.
The most important thing to bookmarking is having a catchy title. We could talk for hours about bookmarking and having a catchy title, but we just do not have time for it here.
About the Author
If your looking for a step-by-step system to help you get started to make money with blogging, get your FREE trial membership to a coaching program that will help you to start making 100-600 dollars a day with all free traffic! CLICK THE LINK BELOW!