I’m, also gonna ask you to leave a comment below and let me know what topic are you thinking about? Writing your first ebook about and it’s really important. You read other people’s. Comments too, because they’re gonna love.
Hearing your feedback, alright. So this is an interactive community. Thank you for being a part of it. Alright, let’s, get to it! How to write your first ebook that’s. What I’m challenging you to do even if it’s, something you’ve, never thought about before.
I guarantee you. If you’ve been on this planet for more than 15 years there’s, something you’ve figured out that could help other people and you ‘ Ve got it in you and it doesn’t have to be like earth-shattering or something that no one else has ever thought about.
You, don’t even have to be an expert or the be-all end-all, but there’s. Something that you have figured out, something that you know how to do, that’s kind of fun that could help other people, and people are probably always asking you about it.
Anyways and the reason why you follow me is because you’re into personal growth right and growth means we do things that are out of our comfort zone, that make us grow. And if you’re serious about this, I ‘
Ve got the perfect challenge for you. It’s! Writing your first ebook! So what goes into that now? I’m gonna cover with you the steps, but I want you to stay tuned because at the end I’m. Also gonna tell you how you can be a part of a free group that I’m.
Putting together for those of you who accept the challenge and you need accountability and you you want some people to you, know, run ideas past or you know, offer support, encouragement, motivation, resources that’s coming so stay tuned.
Don’t. Leave me yet, but here are the steps number one you start by creating an outline, and that, of course, is going to begin with you under like deciding okay. What is it you’re gonna write an e-book about there’s? A million things you can write an e-book about so don’t overthink.
This don’t, get stuck on figure, bring out what it is. First just decided, and if you can’t decide. I ‘ Ve got a really easy way for you to figure this out. Ask your friends text a group of them right now, pull out your phone and say hey, okay.
Ladies gentlemen, if I were to write a quickie book like a fast super funny book on something that I’m, pretty good at, do you think that should be your friends will tell you and if you don’t want to ask Your friends ask your social media followers.
They will tell you what it is. They want to know from you, okay, once you figure that out, then then. Actually, your first step is we’re, just writing an outline. What is it and how is it you need to lay this out like what do people need to know, first and second and third and fourth and like what’s? The conclusion, basically, basically this whole project, like writing and even publishing, and even putting up a website to sell your eBook.
All of this can be done in less than 24 hours. Now I don’t mean like one 24 hour period, but like less than 24 hours total, I’m, not even joking way less than that, especially if you’re, not a perfectionist.
So if you’re, just ready to do this and you’re gonna allow us to help. Keep you accountable. You can do this. I’m, not kidding. This could change your life. It could definitely help someone else’s life and it will very likely make you some extra money in the process so step.
One is just writing your outline step. Two is then doing kind of a rough draft of the e-book. Now an e-book can be anything from ten pages 20 pages. Ebooks can go all the way up to a hundred pages. I’ve even seen 300 page ebooks, which I don’t really think is an e-book.
I think that’s like a digital book, but ideally you want most ebooks the concept of them. Is they’re, quick and easy like it’s, it’s, just a fast way for people to consume. The information so keeping it under a hundred pages is really important and shorter is better, like we always think.
Oh gosh, this isn’t long enough. Well, people are short on time, so shorter is better, but it should be as long as it needs to be. If that makes sense so that you’re thoroughly, conveying the concepts, the ideas and you’re sharing with people, what it is you know about this particular topic make sure you really just stick with one topic after you’Ve created your rough draft, then you want to spend you know, maybe four hours to pay on how long it is carefully proofreading it.
Now, if you’re, not an exceptional proof reader, as I am NOT you might want to outsource that again. Once I share with you our free support group, where you’re gonna, have other people taking this challenge as well.
You might be able to swap that with someone else or you can use a freelance service like freelancer or up work or Fiverr there’s, lots of online communities where, for a really affordable rate, you can have like a professional proof.
Reader read your first draft and just make you sound amazing. What’s, your next step, then it’s, deciding what images and how you want. The book laid out again, this doesn’t have to be perfect. There’s, lots of free software and programs, which we’ll share with you inside of our group.
That show you exactly how to like you just basically copy and paste in your your draft, and it will lay it out for you in an eBook format. So it makes it really easy for people to read it on a digital device like an iPhone or a tablet, and though most of those programs are free and you could of course even hire a designer and they can lay it out for you and make it.
Look beautiful, like graphic artist, can lay this out and you’ll, be like day that’s. My eBook and you’ll, be quite impressed, and so with your friends and family, and so all the people who potentially may buy this ebook.
Now you’ll, be able to use this ebook and you’ll, be able to sell it or give it away to people. You could even use it as a way to draw attention to your business or your social media platform, or you can just you know, do it because it’s, a passion project, something you want to help other people with and just give it to Them for free, but the better it looks the prouder you’re, going to be of this content now that designer can also help you find the right images, stock, photos or illustrations and make sure that you have the copyrights to use them again.
Most of the stuff you can find for virtually nothing and even free on-line, and you might also just use your own photos in your own illustrations. I mean, maybe you are an artist or your kids are, and this could be like a really fun project.
For you, your next step would be coming up with your title. I know people get really excited about titles and there’s. A little bit of work that should go into titles like first of all. Look on Amazon is someone already using that title.
Now I’m, not saying you’re gonna sell your book on Amazon, but y ‘ All might so. I would suggest picking a title that isn’t already being used, or at least a twist on something that isn’t already being used.
Does that make sense and if you just lost for a title, put it to our group, you can ask your support group like what would you call this book? Put it out to your social media, create a poll on Instagram because you’ll, get some great ideas from your community.
Remember you know the more people we rely on to give us feedback, the better all of our programs and products and ideas can because you know there’s, some really smart people out there. Once you have your title, then our next step design the book cover like what’s.
It gonna look like this is exciting and like this is your very first ebook. This is so cool and putting some thought into that and making sure that it fits your brand and your personality and it’s. Everything that you want you don’t have to be a designer or an artist to do that again.
I’m gonna share with you, inside of our free group resources where you can find people for very little money who will help you to design an amazing cover that looks like you spent thousands on it and the last and final step for Some of you is figuring out like how are you going to deliver this so many cool ways to look back in the day you had to spend a fortune building a website and buying all of these tools and resources to deliver it to people.
Now it’s, so easy it’s as simple as copy and paste cut and paste cut and paste, and we’ll share resources with you inside of our group, so that once we get to that step, it’ll be easy, even if you don’t, have any tech background whatsoever.
This is what I call a passion project. Who knows what this could turn into, because there’s, no pressure, because no one’s telling you! You have to do it because you’re doing this for fun. It takes all of the pressure off of you to make it perfect.
I want this just to be something that’s, fun for you now, if it’s, something you’re thinking about, maybe even turning it into a business. I also want to inspire you now. How do you get the support that you need to to take this challenge and make it a reality? You join the pod squad.
It’s, a free Facebook group. It’s for people who listen to my podcast. It’s for people who are growth, minded which I know you are or you wouldn’t be here. So if you don’t already subscribe, please make sure first, you subscribe to build your tribe and the chalene show those are my two podcasts.
They are for people who want business, and/or, personal development, people who want to grow people who want to be better, which obviously, that’s. You when you go on Facebook, you could just search Celine’s.
Pod squad that’s, one way to find it and then you’ll. Just answer like two quick questions, one of which is how you pronounce my name, which is sha lean, not Shailene, showing and then will also ask you what your favorite episode is and truly this is a group for people who listen to my podcast.
So if you don’t, listen to podcast. This is probably not the group for you, but hello. If you’re into growth and you want accountability, and you want a group of people who are gonna help. You take this challenge and write your first ebook.
You should listen to the podcast and you should join the pod squad. I’ll. Also put it in the comments below this video, so you can find it very easily and it’s. Free, so why wouldn’t you write. Thank you so much for watching.
Thank you for turning on your notifications. If you’re watching this on YouTube, thank you for subscribing and thank you for leaving me a comment. I’d love to know what it is. What topic you’re thinking about writing an e-book on and by the way do do everybody else, a favor, and if you see a topic that someone is thinking about, writing an e-book on.
Like give them some encouragement, let them know like that’s, a great idea or or whatever feedback just like you know. I think that’s. What’s? Cool about social media? Is we can help each other in that way? All right, guys, love ya, see you soon: [ Music, ]
[, Music, ], hey welcome to my channel. Thank you so much before subscribing thank you for turning on your notification. So you know when I upload a new video. My name is Julian Johnson, and today I’m gonna challenge you to write your first ebook and I’m gonna give you the exact steps to do it in less than 24 hours.
I’m, also gonna ask you to leave a comment below and let me know what topic are you thinking about? Writing your first ebook about and it’s really important. You read other people’s. Comments too, because they’re gonna love.
Hearing your feedback, alright. So this is an interactive community. Thank you for being a part of it. Alright, let’s, get to it! How to write your first ebook that’s. What I’m challenging you to do even if it’s, something you’ve, never thought about before.
I guarantee you. If you’ve been on this planet for more than 15 years there’s, something you’ve figured out that could help other people and you ‘ Ve got it in you and it doesn’t have to be like earth-shattering or something that no one else has ever thought about.
You, don’t even have to be an expert or the be-all end-all, but there’s. Something that you have figured out, something that you know how to do, that’s kind of fun that could help other people, and people are probably always asking you about it.
Anyways and the reason why you follow me is because you’re into personal growth right and growth means we do things that are out of our comfort zone, that make us grow. And if you’re serious about this, I ‘
Ve got the perfect challenge for you. It’s! Writing your first ebook! So what goes into that now? I’m gonna cover with you the steps, but I want you to stay tuned because at the end I’m. Also gonna tell you how you can be a part of a free group that I’m.
Putting together for those of you who accept the challenge and you need accountability and you you want some people to you, know, run ideas past or you know, offer support, encouragement, motivation, resources that’s coming so stay tuned.
Don’t. Leave me yet, but here are the steps number one you start by creating an outline, and that, of course, is going to begin with you under like deciding okay. What is it you’re gonna write an e-book about there’s? A million things you can write an e-book about so don’t overthink.
This don’t, get stuck on figure, bring out what it is. First just decided, and if you can’t decide. I ‘ Ve got a really easy way for you to figure this out. Ask your friends text a group of them right now, pull out your phone and say hey, okay.
Ladies gentlemen, if I were to write a quickie book like a fast super funny book on something that I’m, pretty good at, do you think that should be your friends will tell you and if you don’t want to ask Your friends ask your social media followers.
They will tell you what it is. They want to know from you, okay, once you figure that out, then then. Actually, your first step is we’re, just writing an outline. What is it and how is it you need to lay this out like what do people need to know, first and second and third and fourth and like what’s? The conclusion, basically, basically this whole project, like writing and even publishing, and even putting up a website to sell your eBook.
All of this can be done in less than 24 hours. Now I don’t mean like one 24 hour period, but like less than 24 hours total, I’m, not even joking way less than that, especially if you’re, not a perfectionist.
So if you’re, just ready to do this and you’re gonna allow us to help. Keep you accountable. You can do this. I’m, not kidding. This could change your life. It could definitely help someone else’s life and it will very likely make you some extra money in the process so step.
One is just writing your outline step. Two is then doing kind of a rough draft of the e-book. Now an e-book can be anything from ten pages 20 pages. Ebooks can go all the way up to a hundred pages. I’ve even seen 300 page ebooks, which I don’t really think is an e-book.
I think that’s like a digital book, but ideally you want most ebooks the concept of them. Is they’re, quick and easy like it’s, it’s, just a fast way for people to consume. The information so keeping it under a hundred pages is really important and shorter is better, like we always think.
Oh gosh, this isn’t long enough. Well, people are short on time, so shorter is better, but it should be as long as it needs to be. If that makes sense so that you’re thoroughly, conveying the concepts, the ideas and you’re sharing with people, what it is you know about this particular topic make sure you really just stick with one topic after you’Ve created your rough draft, then you want to spend you know, maybe four hours to pay on how long it is carefully proofreading it.
Now, if you’re, not an exceptional proof reader, as I am NOT you might want to outsource that again. Once I share with you our free support group, where you’re gonna, have other people taking this challenge as well.
You might be able to swap that with someone else or you can use a freelance service like freelancer or up work or Fiverr there’s, lots of online communities where, for a really affordable rate, you can have like a professional proof.
Reader read your first draft and just make you sound amazing. What’s, your next step, then it’s, deciding what images and how you want. The book laid out again, this doesn’t have to be perfect. There’s, lots of free software and programs, which we’ll share with you inside of our group.
That show you exactly how to like you just basically copy and paste in your your draft, and it will lay it out for you in an eBook format. So it makes it really easy for people to read it on a digital device like an iPhone or a tablet, and though most of those programs are free and you could of course even hire a designer and they can lay it out for you and make it.
Look beautiful, like graphic artist, can lay this out and you’ll, be like day that’s. My eBook and you’ll, be quite impressed, and so with your friends and family, and so all the people who potentially may buy this ebook.
Now you’ll, be able to use this ebook and you’ll, be able to sell it or give it away to people. You could even use it as a way to draw attention to your business or your social media platform, or you can just you know, do it because it’s, a passion project, something you want to help other people with and just give it to Them for free, but the better it looks the prouder you’re, going to be of this content now that designer can also help you find the right images, stock, photos or illustrations and make sure that you have the copyrights to use them again.
Most of the stuff you can find for virtually nothing and even free on-line, and you might also just use your own photos in your own illustrations. I mean, maybe you are an artist or your kids are, and this could be like a really fun project.
For you, your next step would be coming up with your title. I know people get really excited about titles and there’s. A little bit of work that should go into titles like first of all. Look on Amazon is someone already using that title.
Now I’m, not saying you’re gonna sell your book on Amazon, but y ‘ All might so. I would suggest picking a title that isn’t already being used, or at least a twist on something that isn’t already being used.
Does that make sense and if you just lost for a title, put it to our group, you can ask your support group like what would you call this book? Put it out to your social media, create a poll on Instagram because you’ll, get some great ideas from your community.
Remember you know the more people we rely on to give us feedback, the better all of our programs and products and ideas can because you know there’s, some really smart people out there. Once you have your title, then our next step design the book cover like what’s.
It gonna look like this is exciting and like this is your very first ebook. This is so cool and putting some thought into that and making sure that it fits your brand and your personality and it’s. Everything that you want you don’t have to be a designer or an artist to do that again.
I’m gonna share with you, inside of our free group resources where you can find people for very little money who will help you to design an amazing cover that looks like you spent thousands on it and the last and final step for Some of you is figuring out like how are you going to deliver this so many cool ways to look back in the day you had to spend a fortune building a website and buying all of these tools and resources to deliver it to people.
Now it’s, so easy it’s as simple as copy and paste cut and paste cut and paste, and we’ll share resources with you inside of our group, so that once we get to that step, it’ll be easy, even if you don’t, have any tech background whatsoever.
This is what I call a passion project. Who knows what this could turn into, because there’s, no pressure, because no one’s telling you! You have to do it because you’re doing this for fun. It takes all of the pressure off of you to make it perfect.
I want this just to be something that’s, fun for you now, if it’s, something you’re thinking about, maybe even turning it into a business. I also want to inspire you now. How do you get the support that you need to to take this challenge and make it a reality? You join the pod squad.
It’s, a free Facebook group. It’s for people who listen to my podcast. It’s for people who are growth, minded which I know you are or you wouldn’t be here. So if you don’t already subscribe, please make sure first, you subscribe to build your tribe and the chalene show those are my two podcasts.
They are for people who want business, and/or, personal development, people who want to grow people who want to be better, which obviously, that’s. You when you go on Facebook, you could just search Celine’s.
Pod squad that’s, one way to find it and then you’ll. Just answer like two quick questions, one of which is how you pronounce my name, which is sha lean, not Shailene, showing and then will also ask you what your favorite episode is and truly this is a group for people who listen to my podcast.
So if you don’t, listen to podcast. This is probably not the group for you, but hello. If you’re into growth and you want accountability, and you want a group of people who are gonna help. You take this challenge and write your first ebook.
You should listen to the podcast and you should join the pod squad. I’ll. Also put it in the comments below this video, so you can find it very easily and it’s. Free, so why wouldn’t you write. Thank you so much for watching.