So Abbey is a tool that we use for placement, research for gdm and native campaigns. I’m gonna focus primarily on the GTN aspect right now, but know if you’re doing any type of banner advertising. You need to really consider having an athlete subscription. So a beat is awesome because it helps you find
Okay, guys, I’m, going to show you how you can look at the if the competitor has a trending keyword or where they’re, getting a lot of their traffic from if there’s. Any spike for any reason, so what I did here is I put vitality for life. I’m, just gonna open a few tabs
Take already what’s working out there in your marketplace. Take those learnings and those insights and the hard earned money that your competition had to use to find out what works and what doesn’t work. Take that knowledge from them and then be able to use that to your advantage so that when you launch
I just did a brief overview, so I was like okay, I’ll. Do a more in-depth video on how I used ad spied to find fresh creatives and to get ideas for that campaign. But before I get into that, I want to mention that my affiliate marketing with Cody free facebook group, if you
They have done a very interesting coupon code for our specific members to get, I believe, 25 % off. So if you join the AFK form that will be available to you, they have a couple of unique selling points compared to other push traffic platforms. So this is the first time logging in they
Now many tools have the keyword search right, but, for example, ad spy is is a paid tool right. You have to pay like 150 dollars per month and it has like a limited number of searches. This tool you can see. I just put the jewelry and for example, this one is pretty good
Get into my computer, we’re, going to compare the two systems and hopefully find a campaign idea to run for diet this year in January or next year. I guess because we’re approaching January, so let’s. Get into this. This is complexity versus abstract, two spy tools that show you ads on native ad platforms
Specifically, it is not a review or endorsement of their hosting quality. That’ll, be another video for another day in full disclosure. I am being compensated for this video, but as with every video that I create, these words are mine and they are 100 % truthful real quick before I introduce the cloud ways
It’s, going to be packed with information. I can guarantee you that so make sure you, don’t miss out on all the good information that I’m, going to give you guys so before we get on the video I wanna. Welcome you. So if you are watching me for the first time, welcome to my
how to use Yoast SEO and it’s very simple and easy To use the main purpose after all, is just to change your meta title on your Meta Description, but there are a few other things you want to make sure you change here and there to make sure you do the best you can
So I was asked a couple days ago to install a cookie plugin on client side and what I did. I was asked what the plug-in is doing exactly and that’s. A million dollar question, because the plug-in by default isn’t doing anything. It’s, saying something like if you’re using the site, we’re gonna be
I have one of the hottest affiliate programs, slash two-tier affiliate programs. I’ve ever seen in my life, and I wanted to show you guys this right away and if you’re not familiar with a to hosting, they are a web hosting company as well as domain registration company, and they offer every Type of
This one. Do I’m going to show you live in this demo, exactly how that works? Now there’ll be a link under this video that’ll. Take you directly to my website, where you get full details about this product when it launches how much it’s, going to cost the upsells and even some bonuses you
I’m, going to show you how to add in your Google Analytics tracking to your WordPress site without any coding involved when you first create your property in order to get your tracking codes here it is, it looks Pretty intimidating all these scripts and need to add it to your head tag, it could
People ask me this all the time if I start learning how to trade right now in two months, can I be profitable yeah it’s possible, but it’s highly unlikely, very, very highly unlikely. I don’t, see the rush that everybody’s, trying to have when they come into this market. I get it like. You
This person made two hundred and forty-three dollars all from a 129 dollar account following you wrote, JPY cell a signal, and this is how you can make money like me following my trade and jackpot here in this video, I’m, going To show you how to be able to grow a small account now
Over the course of the next few minutes, we’re, going to go through some of the basics of the foreign exchange market, how it works, how people trade it and what makes currency pairs move. So in this latest video with trading – and so what I thought we’d – do is take maybe something
The first step is, of course, to sign up with MailChimp, and that is a very quick process. It takes about 5 to 10 minutes. If you want to know how to do this step by step, then do watch that full tutorial. So once you have set up your MailChimp account and you log
So let’s, go ahead and get started. Alright, everyone, let’s, go ahead and get started and create the the first email list that you’ll, create here now, as I mentioned in the introduction, I am using Aweber and I use Aweber because I prefer it it’s what I really started with and if you go
Number one has been through just building my brand, early on I was using email marketing as a method of brand building by sending around helpful articles and newsletters. Number two I used email marketing as a means of marketing my course on investing in the stock market, about a year and a half ago.
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